Every Step Of The Way

Requirements for Real Estate Licensing
If you have a high school diploma or its equivalent, your Florida real estate career begins with a 63-hour sales associate pre-license course, its final exam, and then the state's real estate sales associate license exam. Then there's a sales associate 45-hour post-license course to be completed within the licensee’s first renewal cycle. This cycle ends on your license expiration date (located at the bottom of your license.)
Exceptions to the rule
If you are approved to practice law in Florida, you are exempt from the pre-license education requirement. You may take the sales associate’s examination by affixing a copy of your current Bar card to the examination application. Any active member in good standing with The Florida Bar and who is otherwise qualified under the real estate license law is exempt from the continuing education requirements for real estate licensees. Attorneys must complete the 45-hour post-licensing course within the first renewal period.

DBPR: (Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulations)
Get Started Today!
To apply for a specific business or professional license either using the DBPR Online Services or to apply using a paper application, click the BLUE Florida DBPR Button to apply today.
You should apply First and once you are approved with the State of Florida DBPR you can choose any Accredited universities, colleges, community colleges, technical centers in Florida or real estate schools pursuant to s. 475.451, Florida Statutes, that may offer these FREC-approved courses. (63-hour sales associate pre-license course.)
If you have questions or need further assistance, please call the DBPR Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.

Q & A Licensing FAQs
Where do I go from here and other frequently asked questions.
Who offers pre-license courses?
Accredited universities, colleges, community colleges, technical centers in Florida or real estate schools pursuant to s. 475.451, Florida Statutes, may offer these FREC-approved courses. (Google or use a search engine for Florida Sales associate course for all accredited schools and availability in your area.)
If I fail the salesperson’s post-license course exam, can I re-take the exam?
Yes. Students failing a licensing examination must wait at least 30 days but no more than one year from the date of the original examination to retake the examination. More then one retake is permitted (Must pay a Retake Fee/Contact Person Vue for details).
How fast after the state EXAM can I apply for a Real Estate company and start to make commission?
As soon as you PASS the state EXAM you can start to search for a Lic. Real Estate Broker office and work under the scoop of a Lic. Real Estate Broker. Once selected by a Lic. Real Estate Broker office through the DBPR system you will be considered "CURRENT,ACTIVE" status and can start to earn set commission. The Lic. Real Estate Broker or office Mgr. for the firm should provide training, legal forms, templates, any needed information, office space and a company handbook. In return the Lic. Real Estate Broker office will normally earn a commission split and/or fee for every file you close while Licensed under the company. Any and All commission earned from transactions are ALWAYS paid and made payable to the Lic. Real Estate Broker office and the Lic. Real Estate Broker is to disburse any earned commission to a Lic. Sales Associate/Agent as per company handbook or set by Broker.
What are the continuing education requirements for an active or inactive sales associates licensee?
A minimum of 14 hours of commission-approved classroom instruction during each license renewal period (excluding the first renewal period of your current license when 45-hours of post-license education is required). A minimum of three of the 14 required hours must consist of the FREC-prescribed Core Law courses. The other 11 hours may consist of “specialty” courses on real estate practices approved by FREC. A licensee who takes the 3-hour Core Law course in each year of the renewal period is allowed a total of 6 hours toward the 14-hour requirement. In such event, the “specialty” course hours need total only 8 hours.
What do I need to know about license reactivation?
If you hold an involuntarily inactive license, make sure you complete the reactivation education within two years of the first day you failed to hold a valid and active license. After the second year, the broker’s or sales associate’s right to reactivate automatically expires. If the time elapsed is less than one year, the reactivation requirement can be fulfilled by satisfactorily completing 14 hours of continuing education as described in Rule 61J2-3.009. If time elapsed is more than 12 months but less than 24 months, the requirement is 28 hours of prescribed classroom hours of the prerequisite course for licensure as a salesperson. The subjects emphasized are real estate law and license law, and a 70% grade on the quiz is required to pass.
If you meet the above criteria we may have a career opportunity for you with First Step Realty Group (Florida). Contact Broker office and ask how you may become an active agent and start making commission! Visit the ABOUT US page for more contact details.
DISCLAIMER: Above information some but not all Courtesy of - Following above steps and/or meeting the above criteria does not guarantee employment or Sub Contractor position or "Job" with First Step Realty, LLC DBA First Step Realty Group. ALL ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH-OUT NOTICE.